Monday 7 June 2010

Lazy day

Always appreciate those times where you end up sitting on your backside doing sweet fuck'all; skipping through music channels to find something worth listening to. Avoiding Cliff Richard and Dolly Parton on Magic I came across  Born Ruffians latest video of 'What to say', not just an amazing track, but also epic video directed by Jared Raab. Born Ruffians released their fourth album 'Say It' on Warp Records on 31st of May last month. A real fresh sound from a band I'd totally forgotten about since their past classic 'Hummingbird'

Couldn't argue that Warp haven't released some unheard of talent and The Hundred in the Hands are a prime psychedelic example with their ep 'This Desert' including their latest release of 'Tom Tom'. With her angelic' sounding voice over some intense acidic toms there is more than enough to pull you into a state of tranquility.



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